Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lake George-Camping

The long weekend was finally here. I had planned to go camping over Columbus Day weekend, but I did not plan on leaving work a day early due to being sent home from a cold that everyone was aware of. I headed straight for bed to get the rest needed to be better in time for camping the next day, but this is easier said than done when your kitchen is being redone and there is constant banging and drilling right underneath your bedroom. After the work day was complete, and the workers left my house, I was finally able to sleep. The next day was a struggle. I woke up early, finished packing, and headed towards NY to pick up my boyfriend. The rest of my family was to meet us at the rented cabin in Lake George, NY. 

I drove to my boyfriend with a box of tissues handy, and tried to get there as soon as possible so he could take over the driving. Again, things did not go as planned. I was soon at a dead stop in traffic, making my commute an extra hour longer. I could not stop thinking about how badly I wanted to be in the passenger seat asleep already. I finally reached my boyfriend's and we were on our way to the cabin. This drive went a lot smoother for me. I slept half the way, and was starting to feel better. Before long we reached our destination. 

We were of the first few to arrive and immediately ran to explore the cabin. It was perfect! I personally don't enjoy real camping, out in the woods filled with bugs and no electricity. This cabin was more my style: 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, and living room. I chose the bedroom with two beds, high off the floor. I marked my spot, and began to unpack. Soon, the rest of my family showed up including my gorgeous tibetan terrier dog. 

Once everyone settled in, we began to make dinner. The grill took forever to get set up and actually start cooking the food, by the time it was done we were starving. Even though I was starving, my cold made me lose most of my appetite by the time the food was actually ready to eat. I was ready for bed, but the night wasn't over. We were soon back outside roasting marshmallows and making s'mores around a fire. Again, I didn't feel like eating, and had only one roasted marshmallow and made my way to bed. 

The next day I was feeling better! While still having a few symptoms from the cold, I felt a lot better and was ready to get outside. The day was spent going on a canoe on Lake George (a short walk from our cabin door),  playing volleyball, wiffle ball, and badminton. The highlight of the day was watching my 85 year old grandmother being given a ride back to the cabin from the lake, on the neighbor's ATV. Now that I think about it, my grandma got to ride an ATV, and this is something I still have not done! This all took place so quickly we were all a little surprised my grandma opted for the ATV ride. After playing, we started to prepare for dinner. That night we made chicken and beef skewers with vegetables on the grill, delicious! After dinner, again we made time for s'more making before heading in to play a few board games. 

The next day everyone decided it would be fun to rent a boat. We made our way to a rental place, and stepped aboard our rented boat for the day. This was my dog's very first boat ride. I spent most of the boat ride cuddling with my dog, I should mention my dog hates being cuddled and the only time he allows it is when he is a little scared, which I took advantage of. It was a beautiful day of fishing and being in the sun, but not before long we had to make our way back to land. That night was pasta night! My sister made her homemade pasta sauce complete with peppers on the plate before serving, one of my favorite meals! However, my sense of taste was lost before being able to eat, due to my cold that seemed to never fully go away the whole weekend. At least my appetite had not been lost. After dinner, we rearranged furniture and enjoyed a movie with popcorn before heading to bed for one last night at the cabin. 

The following day I woke up to find my boyfriend enjoying the neighbor's ATV, a bit faster than when my grandma was using it. After the fun, we packed up the car and headed home, but not before making a few stops on the way out. There was a lookout point that we were determined to find, and hiked our way up the hill to see the amazing views. My dog enjoyed every minute of it as well, but for a different reason. While sniffing around he came across a new friend, a smaller dog that seemed to follow him everywhere. They played for a bit before it was time to head back to the cars, and back home. However, we made one last stop before heading home. We bought sandwiches and enjoyed lunch at a nearby park. The park, complete with many climbing opportunities, was a fun way to end the trip. After swinging and climbing, we were finally ready to head home. 

The traffic was quite annoying, but those extra hours in the car made being home even better!