Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Weddings are a celebration of joining together two people who are in love. It is a big event that friends and family look forward to. The most recent wedding I attended was in Pennsylvania. It was one of the most interesting weddings I have ever been to, but sometimes trips are about more than just the destination. My journey started on a Friday afternoon. After driving to Pennsylvania after work, I met with family for dinner (this itself was an event). I should first mention that before even arriving to dinner we had already passed multiple horse and buggies driving in the rain. Loving New York, I clearly felt out of place. My whole idea of the Amish lifestyle is one that is very outdated. I understand that the living conditions of the Amish are due to tradition and religion, but if they are following in the steps of their ancestors they should realize that if their ancestors were alive today they would be utilizing the technology available. Maybe I'm wrong, but I will never understand a culture that insists on living in the past while trying to function in today's society.

So back to dinner. The dinner took place at the Shady Maple Buffet. This was much more than just your common buffet. Upon entering there is a spot for tourists to dress up like farmers for a posed picture, but continue down the large lobby and you will find many rooms all dedicated to seating guests. Even tour buses were parked to let groups dine. I walked into the buffet room and was completely lost. I never knew a guide would be needed just to decipher food at a restaurant! Needless to say we did not leave hungry. While dinner was over, the adventure was just beginning. We made our way to the downstairs area of the restaurant. This huge basement consisted of a very big very unique store. From collectibles to furniture this store had everything. I must admit I am not proud of my shopaholic moment of spending about $50 on our first stop of the trip, but like a true shopaholic I got caught up in the moment. I kept finding things "I just had to have." Well, about 3 hours later and $50 less, we finally entered the hotel.

After a much needed rest, it was time to start getting ready for the wedding. We got all dressed up and were soon arriving at the church. With the bride about to walk down the aisle, I realized my whole dress was falling apart. I should first mention that the dry cleaners I had taken the dress to a few months back had ruined the zipper. After taking the dress back multiple times, and trying on the dress numerous times I had thought the dress was finally fixed, I was horribly mistaken. My zipper came apart, meaning the whole back of my dress was now open. Luckily, I had on a long enough leopard print sweater to cover this wardrobe malfunction for the time being. So I managed to make it through the long wedding, where the pastor even quoted MC Hammer, clearly this was no ordinary wedding, one where the groom and bride waited until their wedding day to share their first kiss with each other (NO I am not kidding!!) and where the pastor went on to admit to his wrong doings (aka cheating moments) in his own marriage before finding God. I find myself religious, for my grandparents were both pastors and had their own church, but I think there is a thin line between religious and obsessed. Don't get me wrong I don't think there is any thing wrong in having deep faith in something, I just think you have to have faith while having common sense to use that faith wisely when dealing with situations in life. I think some people get mixed up sometimes when trying to follow their beliefs and staying connected to the social world. Well to each their own.

Back to the wedding, we journeyed on to the reception, but not before stopping at a local CVS where I purchased the much needed safety pins that kept my dress together for the rest of the evening. So much for the idea of the simple LBD (Little Black Dress). However, the celebration was quick and simple. A dry wedding with small portions, but enjoyable. Yes it was very different than any other wedding I have been to, but I can say it was definitely an experience I will never forget. Back to the Amish culture for a moment, the groom's son did state something that I think is mentionable. He stated that while driving one day an Amish horse and buggy crashed into the front of his car while he was stopped, and the buggy kept going. Clearly confused he drove after the buggy and tried to get an explanation, but the driver just kept his horse walking and ignored all efforts of communication. Now that this teenager's car is damaged, who's at fault? Buggies do not have license plates, if cops are involved who's to say he did not make up this story for insurance purposes? There is no real way of tracking down the exact person or buggy that had caused this accident. This is one example that makes me go back to my original idea of the Amish not being able to fully function in a technological driven society.

After the short reception, we went on to dinner and bowling. It was an interesting dinner at a local pub complete with a locals open mic night, but again a moment that will not be soon forgotten. The next day we went on to Hershey Park. We only toured the factory part where we got to take part in a taste test before heading on to do some shopping at outlets. This trip did not help me with my shopaholic ways, but did give me many reasons to support my addiction to fashion. After being overly tired and hungry we went on to eat and headed home. However, we did get side tracked once more at a sporting goods store. This was no ordinary sporting goods store. It was two levels that included an aquarium, candy store, gun gallery, and many many supplies. After about two hours and more money spent, we were back in the car and ready to go home. This trip was like no other, but the moments I shared with my family are ones that I will cherish. This interesting trip included two of my favorite things: traveling and shopping. So for better for worse, I enjoyed the trip so much it is one I wouldn't mind doing all over again!